As you are aware Mobile X-Ray Service’s Radiographers travel into a number of different Aged care facilities on a daily basis, in order to minimise the chance of spreading Coronavirus ( Covid-19 ) we will not under any circumstances perform an x-ray on a resident who has clinical suspicion of Covid-19 until they have the appropriate test with a negative result.
Additionally our Radiographers will not under any circumstances attend a resident with confirmed Covid-19 until they also test negative, we will however examine a resident when a result comes back as negative.
When a booking is made we will ask a few questions to ascertain the resident’s status as to Covid-19 and we will take the booking as long as we are satisfied with the answers given.
Our Radiographers will adopt a barrier technique with the appropriate PPE on all residents we perform an x-ray examination so as to minimise the chance of cross infection.
We feel this is necessary in order to minimise the chances of spreading this virus given that we are working in different facilities daily, we also feel that our service will become busier in the next few weeks because we expect the hospitals will become stressed due to this illness.
We welcome your feedback on this document.
James McBlain
Managing Director
Mobile X-Ray Service